A full English website will be re-launched soon
The Academy of Young Scholars and Artists organizes cyclical seminar meetings, does publishing, organizes open lectures and conferences from various areas of science and initiates and participates in innovative projects popularizing science and art (for example a project concerning a new subject in Wrocław’s schools The Language of Machines, the project BioLogic i.e. logic-biology workshops, Gucio, logic-critical workshops – Thorough Thinking or puppet animation workshops).
The Academy members create truly interdisciplinary research groups (for example psychiatry and computer science, biology and chemistry, fine arts and computer science, philosophy and mathematics) and they run scientific projects in their own group. The plethora of cognitive perspective present at each meeting, is the embodiment of scientific enquiry: unity of knowledge and unity of cognition.
The Academy of Young Scholars and Artists is the advisory unit for science of the Mayor of Wrocław. It provides recommendations for the Student Scholarship Program (postgraduate scholarships), the Visiting Professors program (visits by renowned researchers in Wrocław) and the Mozart program (partnership of science and business).
The City of Wrocław provides support in searching for sponsors for projects and in the implementation of science popularizing projects. In the case of pursuing external grant-aids for research or the allotment of grants, the Honorary Council provides recommendations to the Academy of Young Scholars and Artists.